Stood shoulder to shoulder, scarves held aloft, the images of Liverpool Supporters singing You'll Never Walk Alone before a game at Anfield are some of the most famous in football. Wherever you are in the world, if you hear that song you think of Liverpool Football Club, of Anfield, of the Kop in full voice. Rodgers and Hammerstein may have wrote it, and Gerry Marsden took it to number one int he charts, but it is the supporters of Liverpool FC who have made it world famous. It is Anfield's anthem, The motto on our badge. A Kopite's calling card. A song sung with passion, desire, defiance and emotion. But You'll Never Walk Alone is far from the only song to pass from the collective lips of Liverpool supporters. It is simply the most famous of hundreds of songs and chants that have passed through the collective lips of Liverpudlians over the years. That singing culture has played a significant part in creating Anfield's unique aura and making the Kop the most famous stand in football. Collective chanting and singing at football matches is taken for granted now, but before the early 1960s that wasn't the case. It all changed in Anfield in 1963/64. With the Beatles taking the Mersey Sound around the world and Bill Shankly's Liverpookl en-route to winning the league, those on the Kop wanted to shout about it. So they did, en-masse, with up to 28,000 singing and swaying along to whatever was played over the PA System before kick-off. It was communal karaoke, the like of which has never been seen before in English Football, with the natural scouse wit soon lending itself to adapting the words to well known tunes to expressing admiration for their heroes and distain for opponents. And so the sound of Anfield resonated around the world and the Liverpool FC songbook began. The partisan vocal backing our players have received during the course of our history has been a significant factor in making us English football's most successful club. The Anfield songbook is a tribute to that magnificent support. We have compiled hundreds of songs and chants that have been written and sung by Liverpool supporters over the years. Many have been aired at Anfield, others only on away trips, Some have never been heard outside pubs and bars, a few have been posted by creative Reds on Liverpool FC message boards. Our collection is not definitive - no LFC songbook ever could be - and the words to certain tunes have varied, been changed and updated over the years, but The Anfield Songbook gives a taste of the unique, inventive, humourous and inspirational songs that have been sung by Liverpool FC supporters all round the fields of Anfield Road. You'll never walk alone when you're a Kopite. You never sing alone either.
Product Code: A11112